They are trying to become an economic superpower and trying to buy loyalty around the world. In Africa they do it by trading airports and roads for the resources of countries like copper (ZAMBIA) and lithium for batteries (Congo) from these poor countries corrupt and shortsighted leaders who take the cash (bribes) today from the Chinese and don’t even use local workers. You might recall the workers and materials all came from China. Thus NO local jobs, earnings, or skills developed for the countries themselves. It’s criminal. And tragic.
Belt and Road, from Alex
They are trying to become an economic superpower and trying to buy loyalty around the world. In Africa they do it by trading airports and roads for the resources of countries like copper (ZAMBIA) and lithium for batteries (Congo) from these poor countries corrupt and shortsighted leaders who take the cash (bribes) today from the Chinese and don’t even use local workers. You might recall the workers and materials all came from China. Thus NO local jobs, earnings, or skills developed for the countries themselves. It’s criminal. And tragic.