While I was in Siem Reap, Cambodia this week there was an enterprising young man painting Vans and Converse in a little room the hotel manager gave him to ply his craft. Given that a good job is $300 to 400 a month there, people try any work just to eat. So I’m chattering with the boy, ironically named Con, about what he can paint…”well…anything”, came the reply!
So I pulled up pictures of the cryptokitties Stacia bought this week (she’s exploring the site and usage to understand the crypto uses better) and VOILA!
OF COURSE HE CAN PAINT THEM…and anyone that sees them LOVES them…
At 40 bucks a pair, I bet people in the US would pay a lot more for these for little Sienna and little Sierra…and for a good cause? Cambodian education and fighting human trafficking?
Cryptokitties…for the good of mankind…who knew?
Like mother, like Annika!